FREE Personal Organization PLR: Staying Focused in an Age of Distractions with Private Label Rights...Plus More Daily PLR Deals & Freebies in Your Inbox

Dear Online Business Owner,
If you're always on the lookout for high quality PLR deals...and love free PLR samples too, you are in the best place possible right now!
Right now, you can:
- Instantly download this personal organiization PLR report package.
- Get daily updates with top quality PLR deals...and even more free samples.
We've been in the content and PLR business for over 2 decades and know who the quality creators are and how to snag a great deal.
Have a look at the FREE Organization PLR: "Stay Focused in an Age of Distractions"
We have never been so productive, so busy and at the same time so distracted. Technology has its benefits and rewards, but it also has its drawbacks. Email, smartphones, mobile devices, laptops and other “screens” can get in the way of staying organized, even though the technology was originally created to make you more productive and organized.
Here's a PLR package that you can use to help your clients and customers stay focused with all these daily distractions.
You can edit, brand and monetize this comprehensive training program almost any way you'd like. Use it for opt-in offers, a paid course, membership site content anymore. It's up to you. The package includes...
12-Page "Stay Focused in an Age of Distractions" PLR Report with Fully-Editable and Customizable Ecover Set
The report comes in .doc format, so you can edit it, brand it and monetize it too. Plus, the ecover set comes in fully-editable PSD format + ready-to-publish PNG.
Topics include:
* Identify areas of disorganization
* Create realistic goals
* Get everyone on board
* Craft a plan of action
* Plan meals
* Create to-do lists
* Create a routine
* Keep life simple
And it's all yours, with complete private label rights when you enter your name and email address below. We'll also keep you up to date with daily high quality PLR deals and freebies as well, so you can save more time and money in your business.
Claim Your Free PLR Package and Daily Deals
Use this content as high-value opt-in offers, add them to your membership site, use them to create a coaching program...so many possibilities.
We look forward to delivering your instant download...and keeping you up-to-date on more daily deals and freebies.
To Your Success,
The PLR Finders Team